
When the kids are stuck indoors its easy to rely on electronics for entertainment, but sometimes we as parents have got to help the kids get their creative juices flowing the old fashioned way. Currently, at my house, we are going on day three of no school due to the weather. It wouldn’t be so bad if the kids could play outside, but unfortunately they are stuck inside since it keeps on raining along with the freezing cold temperatures. Now, its one thing for it to be cold while you’re playing outside, but being wet and cold is just no fun!

So…. what are the kids to do? We don’t watch much T.V. at home, but my kids do love to play video games and use computers. Once in a while however, I pull the plug on them. Around here we even have a name for a day like this. We call it: Read more…

5 thoughts on “Play~Unplugged!

  1. I absolutely love this idea! I’m going to use it!

    At our house we sometimes say, “Please turn off all electronic devices,” and that means, just like the airlplane, we have to entertain ourselves with a book, game or something that’s powered by our brains.

    Thanks for the fun!

  2. Love it! It’s all too easy for parents to leave their kids plugged in. Love your ideas- and yes, mentioning chores works great! Thanks for sharing. I’m a children’s author and illustrator passionate about connecting kids to nature. Here’s my latest video: Let’s Go Outside-episode 2 (Attract birds to your backyard)

  3. This is an idea that will come in very handy this week! With all the snow (and more predicted Tuesday night) I don’t expect many pickups at the bus stop this week.

  4. Pingback: Is your Preschooler Bored? It’s Paper Bag Activity Time!

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